After the Prague conference, I now realise that there is now no way back and that the future of qualitative research is irrevocably linked to using new technology. We should, however, be very careful not to use it because it's fashionable but restrict it to appropriate research problems and questions, where it can be a very useful tool which complements traditional ones.
The second reason I enjoyed "Inspiration in Action" so much was because of the new and inspiring types of presentations. One was Pecha Kucha, very short presentations (each: 20 slides and 400 seconds). A fantastic way to present new ideas, to inspire people, to say something new, sometimes controversial or revolutionary. They proved very difficult and demanding for presenters, but presented no risk for the audience. The other was Inspiration Zone: 10 minutes of interactive presentations.
And the third reason I was so impressed by "Inspiration in Action"? Its atmosphere: very friendly and open to the new attendees.