The Association for Qualitative Research
The Hub of Qualitative Excellence


Pioneer this! Making a pioneer out of us all in 2025

Let's face it, qualitative research is a competitive market these days, and we're looking at the skills and people we need to navigate it. This AQR Special event is about the Pioneers of Qualitative research.

Why do we need qualitative pioneers? We know that the market needs pioneers, as budgets are squeezed, AI is on the rise, and commissioners looking for greater ROI. We know that teams need pioneers, as staff and participants are often just faces on a screen. And we know that many of you want to be qualitative pioneers — we see that in the award entries, the thought leadership, and the passion you bring to our events and conference.

This event kindly sponsored by Acumen, Flume and Viewpoint will help us find our inner pioneer, and will include:

  • Rory ‘pioneer’ Sutherland, Chairman at Ogilvy, who has made the complex theories of behavioural science accessible to the masses;
  • Nick ‘pioneer’ Gadsby, Founder at The Answer, who will semiotically decode the pioneers of qualitative research;
  • Qualitative ‘pioneer’ Researchers (aka, you!) who will channel your inner pioneer, to workshop the small moments that make up the momentous change we need in the world.

And if that wasn’t enough, we will also announce, cheer, and praise the winner of the Wendy Gordon Pioneers Award 2025 — a brand new AQR award to celebrate pioneering acts in qualitative research.

Award kindly sponsored by Acacia Avenue

The event will be followed by networking drinks for all attendees.
It’ll be a day to remember — be there, or be average.

Cost: AQR members discounted price: £95 + VAT = £114
Non-members price £150 + VAT = £180

Booking: Online using the links below

27th February 2025

1:30pm to 6:00pm

The Bailey 16 Old Bailey London EC4M 7EG

Map of location:
StreetMap of EC4M 7EG

Standard Price:
£150+VAT (Book Online)

Member's Price:
£95+VAT (Book Online)

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