The Association for Qualitative Research
The Hub of Qualitative Excellence
Training Course Application Form

You are about to place your order and buy over the web. Internet purchases are safe and easy, but if you have any questions or concerns, or if you experience any difficulties completing your order online, please do not hesitate to call us on 01480 407227.

Item Code  Description      Total

TC24SFISTD Story-telling for Impact - Standard Price, £250+VAT     £ 300.00

The total shown above is the MAXIMUM you will be asked to pay by the AQR and includes VAT and shipping costs where applicable. All transactions are conducted in UK Pounds Sterling. Conversion to other currencies is conducted by the credit card companies at the rates applicable on the day of the transaction. This offer is made subject to our standard terms and conditions.

Delegate Details

Delegate's Name (required)

Job Title

Name of Company or Organisation

Are you an AQR member?


If you are an AQR member, you will automatically be given any member discounts you are entitled to. For more information on joining the AQR and the benefits of membership, please click HERE.

Contact Details

Correspondence Address (required)

Daytime Telephone Number

Email Address (required)

Address for VAT Receipt (if different)

Additional Information

The above details are used only for the completion of your order, querying order details with you, keeping you advised of progress with your order and a limited amount of follow-up correspondence. Your details will not be added to mailing lists or passed on to third parties without your explicit approval. For more information on our privacy policy, please click HERE.

Payment Details for the sum of £ 300.00

Payment Method

Name of Card Holder

Number on Card


Start Date

Expiry Date


Card Billing Address, if different from above

This address is only used for security checks by the card
company when verifying the credit card details. It is not
used by the AQR for any purpose.

Your credit card details will be
transmitted over the Internet
using a secure connection.

No charge will be made to your credit card unless we are able to offer you a confirmed place on the training course. All online purchases are protected by the UK Distance Selling Regulations. For details of our refund and cancellation policies, please click HERE.

When you have completed the form, click the CHECK button below. We will then show you the payment details you have entered and ask you to confirm that they are correct and that you wish to complete your order.