The Insight & Innovation Exchange (IIeX), a forum designed to
promote new thinking and new technologies that might affect the
future of research, extended an invite to us again this year.
Simon Patterson chaired a well-attended session showcasing the winner and finalists of the 2017 AQR Prosper Riley-Smith Qualitative Excellence Award in Track 2 (one up from last years Track 3). I talked about the history of AQR, of the Awards themselves, and the importance of Qualitative Research says Simon. It keeps the qualitative flag flying and raises the profile of our finalists.
This years exhibition and conference revolved, to a great extent, around AI, so AQRs presentations about ethnography and qualitative analysis were very distinctive. Again, it proved a refreshing change in terms of speakers, exhibitors and audiences and the hope is that well be invited back next year by the organisers.