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Coined by Mary Goodyear, this term refers to a style or approach to qualitative market research that is interpretative and based on a humanistic approach. Its primary objective is to achieve understanding of a topic or issue in respondents' own terms.
In this approach, data is collected through unstructured qualitative interviews or group discussions and is treated as requiring analysis and interpretation. What participants say, along with aspects of interaction and group process, is examined for its 'connotation' and not just for its literal meaning or face value.
This style is common in the UK, much of Europe and other parts of the world and is contrasted by Goodyear with a 'cognitive' style of qualitative research, most commonly seen in the USA.
Note that neither of these terms has acquired common usage, though the two different styles of research are widely recognised.
Related Terms
- Cognitive model
- Analysis and interpretation
- Group discussion
- Focus group
- Group dynamics
- Humanistic psychology
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This glossary is compiled and maintained by the Association for Qualitative
Research, the foremost authority on qualitative practice, training and
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