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We are highly susceptible to small subconscious influences on behaviour. Priming is an implicit memory effect. Stimuli in our environment - an image, sound, word, smell, taste and even physical movement for which someone has an existing strong association - may prime us and later affect our responsiveness to something, or our judgement, and even our actions and motivations.
We are unaware of being "primed", even though the influence on our behaviour can be remarkable. Priming is all around us - supermarkets use the pleasant smell of baking to tempt us to buy and we even prime ourselves - for example, through our posture, what we read or our use of language.
About the AQR Glossary:
This glossary is compiled and maintained by the Association for Qualitative
Research, the foremost authority on qualitative practice, training and
innovation, and the global hub of qualitative thinking.
If you are a qualitative research consultant or a business offering qualitative
research services, please consider joining the AQR and supporting the organisation.