If you are reading this, chances are youre a quallie, or at least have a significant interest in qualitative matters. So, what do you think about the future direction of your profession/industry? How should it address its internal needs and present itself externally?
The industry-wide Qualitative Steering Group on Accreditation, with these matters in mind, has met twice this year to develop its collective thoughts on how best to do this as covered in the last issue of In Brief. A key part of this process is calling on all quallies to get involved with the direction and professional standards for qualitative research going forward.
We are setting up a LinkedIn page to act as a forum for all those wishing to impact on the professionalisation of qualitative research and to keep abreast of the Steering Groups progress. We will be announcing details of how to access this shortly and will publicise its launch.
We need your help in creating the Future Vision for Qualitative Research. This is designed to inspire researchers about the exciting and privileged position we occupy, as we study the everyday lives of people around the globe. Part of this exercise is ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to be properly trained in both the necessary skills and theory underpinning the very best qualitative endeavours.
Wendy Gordon and Roy Langmaid, two of the industrys most innovative and leading thinkers, have volunteered to conduct a Day of Vision: Co-Creation workshop coming up within the next couple of months.
Early this year we set up the following four subcommittees tasked with scoping out the following:
1. Vision/Forum:
Drawing up a vision for qual which will inspire and professionalise.
2.Models of accreditation/training:
Investigating the best and most effective way of implementing the professionalisation of QR in terms of training and certification models.
3. Home:
Where should the industry-wide Qualitative Steering Group sit within the industry? Should it be an independent body, or be incorporated within an industry association or associations, in order to be able to move the whole programme forward?
4. Funding:
What would be the cost of training and certification/accreditation of individual researchers? How would the Steering Group, or its administrative executive, be funded and what are its likely costs?
These groups have now reported and this will be available on our LinkedIn page. It will also inform the background to the Day of Vision. And now? Get Involved! Our futures are at stake.