I had the opportunity to share the journey so far with attendees at AQRs Conference at Marketing Week Live. Despite being last on the programme, there was a full and engaged audience for the session, which talked through the detail of what prompted the initiative, what weve done so far, and where were aiming to go. It provoked some challenging questions and debate, which suggests the Vision Day in July will be a lively session.
In case youve missed all the emails about it, the Qualitative Vision Day is a day-long consultation with 50 qualitative practitioners, run by Roy Langmaid and Wendy Gordon. Its aim is to shape the vision for the future of our industry, one in which qualitative researchers are valued and respected as experts. Without the full buy-in from qualitative researchers of all kinds, the initiative wont get off the ground, so this is a really important step.
The industrys enthusiasm for this initiative is clear, given that when we put out a call for financial support to get the day off the ground, we were deluged with offers. A total of 42 agencies and organisations have supported the day, and Id like to thank all of you very much indeed!
Following Vision Day, we will be running an online consultation that will be open to all involved with qualitative research. This will be an opportunity to share your views on accreditation and professionalisation, and also to see a short film of the day. Keep an eye out for emails about this, and please do share the details of how to take part as widely as possible with your networks. Were seeking the views of ALL researchers, not just those who are involved with organisations such as the AQR.
If youd like to keep up with whats going on, please join the Qualitative Professionalisation Group on Linked In, or search #qualprofessionals on Twitter.
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