Lots of the sessions were really interactive and the diverse line-up included something for everyone. Working in field I thought it was great that this sector was represented in the line-up.
I particularly enjoyed the Qual Apprentice session where three junior researchers bid for the title. They were all bursting with enthusiasm for their job, providing insights into their experiences of human behaviour while drawing on the knowledge provided by their mentors and more established researchers in the audience.
Post lunch we attended Summon the Senses where Kahlia and Lauren from The Big Picture led us on a journey to explore the smells, sounds, textures and tastes associated with different brands. For example, the smells of cucumber and freshly cut grass along with a patch of red and white check picnic blanket immediately transported us to a sunny day with a glass of Pimms.
Illustrator Beci Ward, meanwhile, summarised each session in a poster, culminating in a colourful wall of ideas and insights: a beautiful and inspiring way of tying the whole day together.