The Association for Qualitative Research
The Hub of Qualitative Excellence

How to enter

When preparing your entry for the AQR Qualitative Excellence Award do make sure you read what the judges are looking for and our "winning tips" in order to present your entry in the best possible light.

Download the entry form

Entry form as MS Word document

Make sure you return your completed entry form and pay your entry fee no later than 4pm on Monday 2nd September 2024.

Pay your entry fee

The entry fee is £300 + VAT (full VAT receipts will be issued)

Pay entry fee online

Make sure you return your completed entry form and pay your entry fee no later than 4pm on Monday 2nd September 2024.

What the judges are looking for

The Judges will be looking for the case study that demonstrates the very best in qualitative thinking and practice. We are looking for thinking that is both original and strategic, that combines creativity, insight and business application. We are looking for projects that create new perspectives with which clients can yield tangible benefits.

In addition, entries that demonstrate one or more of the following on top of having an effective impact stand a greater chance of making the finalists shortlist:

  • Great qualitative thinking
    Tell us how the methodology, research design and insightful analysis were integral to the process. Perhaps there was a touch of creative genius, incorporating an innovative approach or technique, creatively thinking on your feet during the process, or even a eureka moment that helped you deliver excellence.

  • Engaged and empowered clients
    Show how you successfully managed client challenges, built confidence in them using innovative qualitative techniques they hadn't experienced before, enabled them to follow a new and different course of action as a result of the research, maintained client engagement beyond the project deadline.

  • Significant and demonstrable impact
    Detail how your work enacted one or more of the following: Cultural change, Behaviour Change, Brand Perceptions, Attitudes and Perceptions, Beliefs, Emotional Affinity, Moving Opinion, and ultimately commercial metrics.

  • A compelling story
    Outline how you used storytelling techniques to bring your unique case study to life.

Winning Tips

  1. Work on the entry with as many people who are relevant to it as you like. Share ideas, edit and refine together. Ask your client or your agency for examples and evidence of the outcomes of the research.

  2. Consider a joint entry if it makes sense to do so. Two brains are often better than one. Involve the client if you can.

  3. As it's good to be able to tell the whole story about the research and the outcomes, we will accept projects up to a maximum three years old.

Don't miss the deadlines

Remember, you must return your completed entry form and pay your entry fee no later than 4pm on Monday 2nd September 2024.