Security Policy
When we take your credit card details, we use SSL technology. This is a recognised industry-standard used to ensure the privacy of the transaction and it is approved by the banks and credit card issuing companies for this purpose. We take great care when we have your credit card details in our possession. We do not resend them by email and we only store them in an encrypted format in a strictly controlled and password protected area. Once we have completed the transaction, we delete your credit card details from our system.
Suspected fraudulent usage
If you think your credit card has been used fraudulently on a web transaction, please contact your card issuing company immediately. Unbder these circumstances, your card issuing company will normally arrange for you to be re-credited in full. If you think that your credit card has been used fraudulently to pay for something at this site, please also contact us immediately. We will always fully cooperate with the banks, card issuing companies, police and other authorities to help them track down perpetrators of credit card fraud.